Anyone for a spot of limbo?

Not much chance of getting a boat under this gate
 This is the highest the water has been so far
Yesterday we persuaded the fellers to join us and the dogs to walk in the pouring rain to the lovely dog friendly Prince of Wales Feathers (the apostrophe omission is not mine) at Castor. It was the first time we had eaten there and the menu was pleasantly unusual and more than reasonable. Given that we are well and truly continuously moored for the immediate future, we were delighted to find that they have a beer festival starting next Wednesday.
Imagine our disappointment, therefore, when we woke today to find that our footpath to
 Castor looked like this
That's the last of our lovely walks cut off now - all that remains is Ferry Meadows via the main road out of Alwalton. Still good for long walks; but the beginning and end is a bit tedious. We shall have to go for wellies (very tall ones) and blisters I think.
 How long before it covers this bridge?
 Only one step remains uncovered by the lock mooring, but the mooring has floated up so the steps aren't really needed - not that the mooring is likely to get any use for a while
This is today's state of the water as we (one day) exit the lock
 I will try to make this the last of the water photos for a while as I know we are all bored by the drought